Proscuitto Wrapped Scallops on Rosemary Skewers
This is exactly the type of thing that makes it VERY hard for me to eliminate animal protein. I had the pleasure of being served this lovely entree at a recent dinner party at a friends’ home last weekend. Thank you Lynn and Chris! They made 33 of these. I’d say, make 4-8 per person. In my effort to eat less animal protein I had just one and I enjoyed every bite of it!
- 12 4” length fresh rosemary
- 12 Fresh scallops
- 1/4 lb. thinly sliced proscuitto, excess fat trimmed
- 1/4-1/2 c. olive oil
- 1-2 lemons
- ground pepper and sea salt to taste
First, remove the needle-like leaves on 1/2 of each piece of rosemary to make it into more of a skewer. Rinse scallop and pat dry. Wrap scallop in proscuitto and slide it onto rosemary stem, piercing through the proscuitto to keep it securely wrapped. Place on a jelly roll pan, repeat until all skewers are completed with one scallop per skewer. Drizzle both sides of scallops with olive oil, squeeze fresh lemon over and add pepper and minimal, if any, salt. Grill over a medium-high flame 3 minutes each side.